No more beans everyday? :(
with the new look, players don't have the opportunity to receive beans and bonus everyday ... where is the 25 day challenge? :(
Where is my lives crom my friends?
Don't like them! I have alot of friends unfortunately none of them play this game, I have 8 gold and need 9. Don't want to spend money and have to wait 3 days to play again! So frustrated. Can 3 players send me something to move on, please.
Slowing me down? Bonnie is dead...
Hi, Did not see Bonnie for weeks. No treasure Mills. Events lasting for one week. No Sun Events for month Older levels are changes, so I am no longer succesfull with the quests. Levels are higher than 2965 are insanely hard, so that i need numreous boosters. Stuck in level 2986, seems impossible. No Chance to win any more…
Useless lives not converting to beans
I’m pretty much a day one player of the game and here recently I’ve noticed the messages I have been receiving - which used to contain 100 beans upon logging in - now just have useless extra lives. Is this a glitch in my game or is it also happening to anyone else? I currently have 19 messages which used to provide 1900…
Who plays connected to Facebook? Help needed!!!
Hey everyone :) A lot of players on Facebook and a growing number of players in the community are complaining about not receiving lives/beans especially since the new update to the html5 version. It would be really really useful if we had all the information in one place for the studio to look into. I also need to point…
(Unsupported Language) Mesage
De ce nu mai primesc mesagerie de la prieteni?
(Unsupported Language)
**Edit by CM: Unsupported language**
Beat the game Expert - Rancid Challenge #1
Firstly I want to thank @Spinnifix for this idea. Your challenge (should you choose to accept it) is to collect as many apples as possible. This is my effort on level 183: So my effort bagged 1024 apples. Can you do better? Just make sure you follow the rules: Q: What level do I choose?A: Any level you want. Q: Can I use a…
Bonnie's Booster Trail
Since Friday of last week, even though I do not lose a life, I keep losing the boosters I have accumulated in Bonnie's Booster Trail. Is this happening to anyone else? Also, my "side" quests are no longer appearing.