Level 2467-- what are the tricks?
This level is really getting into my nerves. Even buying 5 moves did not help. I think levels are going such that we need to pay and pay.. it is not correct. Any help?
Flower Tower
The weekly new event of Flower Tower is suddenly disappeared. It was only open for a short time.
Congratulations to our member of the month!
Find out who our very first player of the month is... just here! Who's next?!
Green beans
Can someone please explain to me why farm heroes saga has green beans? I have tried everything and I can't seem to find the use of the green beans. I did look this u on Youtube and the video stated they were for boosters at the beginning of the level (just before you hit play), but that doesn't seem to work. Can someone…
Booster Bonnie
Hi everyone, i've just joined the community. Im at level 1233 but i still have not Bonnie the horse. Going on in the in the game without the horse is so difficult . Is there someone who can help me? Really thank you to all!!!
level 2393
Impossible to play this level. I am trying for days. 5 sheep is really the max what I get. Do something!!!
Celebrate the Holiday Season with the Community! 1000 Gold bars to be won!
Ho Ho Ho sweet people! I hope you’re all getting
ready for some celebrations, here we’re already crawling under sweets and
chocolate! Since it’s the most wonderful time of the year, we wanted to
celebrate with you guys, who make the Community such a wonderful place :hurrah: We love to get to know you
all more and more and…
[Unsupported language] Bonnie
Als ik een level win dan is de volgende waar bonnie komt kan ik niks doen spel reageert niet meer op tel en tablet ben in level 558 wie weet hier iets van
[Unsupported language]Farm heroes saga level 2393
Onmogelijk om dit level te spelen. Ben al dagen eraan bezig. 5 schapen is echt het max wat ik naar binnen krijg. Doe hier iets aan!!!
Stuck on level 2436
I can not pass level 2436. Does anyone have door TIPS?