New ads-boost system
I really like this New feature :watching ads before starting a New level. Just wanna inserted that, its bugged, just watch ads, DO NOT START THE LEVEL, going to other screen, go agean to Last level, and can watch ads agean, and agean get boost. And basicly, you can repeat endless time
New Booster??
Hi Farmers! I noticed this booster today (far right), never seen it before! I haven't used it yet but my guess is it clears the grass one time (ex: if three leaves, takes it down to two)? Anyone know?
4433 Impossible
Anyone made it through? How many boosters did you use? Ridiculous level
Harvest Rush
Hi! This is getting really annoying. Every time a new harvest rush starts I keep getting the same error. I’ve cleared out my cache like you asked me to last time I reported this issue. Why is this happening?
They are very pretty but do they 'do' anything??
I'm at level 4711 and it's been months since the missions were removed because
How Can I tell which version of FH I have
🌊🦪🤿 Caves and Caverns!
Howdy Farmers! It's time to go Oyster diving 🦪🤿 Farms underworld journey continues, and we have more exciting events for you to enjoy! Starting today, the 8th of August, until the 21st of August, a new oyster event will be at your disposal where you can play a set of levels and get a chance to win Boosters. Magic Beans and…
I really need help
Can someone please help me I need lives my name is Baby Cherokee and I would greatly appreciate the help thanks and GOD bless
Hi. I'm new here.
Hi.I have a curiosity.Does anyone have more beans or gold than me??Or boosters?