how to beat spider
This discussion was created from comments split from: (CLOSED)🌱🌷🌱 Let's GROW 1-2-3 Cropsie Superfruit WIN Badge and Goodies🌱🌷🌱.
Musique de l'événement "Nuit étoilée"
Bonjour, quelqu'un peut-il me dire quelle est la musique du jeu "Nuit étoilée" et/ou qui l'a composée ? D'avance merci
📱❓️ Quests missing / not showing up?
The Quests in Farm Heroes Saga is an extra challenge and bonus feature in the game. Like all bonuses and extras, they are never permanent features in the game. This means, these features may occasionally be unavailable for some periods on some platforms or devices, some regions or for some players. Connection issues may…
Bug at level 4612
Hello, I see that there is a bug at level 4612? It is impossible to reach and eliminate two foliage tiles. Or the foliage tile at the top left and the one at the bottom right? As soon as the white balls appear, it is impossible to enter the column to reach the two foliage tiles mentioned. I invite the technical team to…
I have no more Ads!
while I play normally and it gives me the opportunity to play 3 more times Now it doesn't give it to me why ?? 🤔
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*Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English or any available languages so everyone can understand - Our House Rules and more about available languages.
Recibir anuncios
Quisiera recibir anuncios ya que de lo contrario es imposible pasar de nivel
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Edited by CM: 💬 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Check our House Rules
Não consigo fazer nenhum tipo de compra no jogo, já reiniciei o aparelho e desinstalei e instalei de novo o app. Não funciona! O que eu faço?
How do Rancid Raccoon levels work
Is there a pattern to Rancid Raccoon levels? Matching 5 and taking out loads of items seems to have no bearing on the score??