Perseguir el sol
Como hago para obtener las recompensas de perseguir el sol ya termine la mision y no obtuve nada
I have gotten 3500 suns and no rewards.
I have gotten 3500 suns and no rewards. I have never had this happen before. Is there anything I can do to receive my rewards?
chase the sun game
I have collected the first 1500 suns in the chase sun game but did not receive the prize help
Treasure mill
hi the treasure mill came on yesterday do some games I completed when it gone off any idea why? Describe your question in more detail here (at least 80 characters please)
Chasing Suns
Many issues really.Firstly I recently played the chasing the sun game completed the first two targets only to find I didn't receive any rewards for either achievement.Secondly I've never been able to complete a treasure mill game as mi iPad continually crashes as soon as I try to engage the game.These are just some of the…
Moving to next episode
I play Farm Heroes Saga on my tablette (allview) and i can't move forward to the next episode after level 820, which is an issue that is troubling me also on Candy Crash Saga. I would appriciate to help me someone figuring out what's wrong. Thank you very much!
Lost level
Hi i Was on 64 level farm heroes after i try login on Facebook list progress and the game back me on 1 level. Please help
chase the sun
I have not recived any rewards for chase the sun i have collected 2500 so far please fix i had this probelm before
Chase tha sun get WHAT?
Completed the 1500 mark of the chase and received sweet what for the effort? C'mon King...get it together! I see that others are experiencing the same issue so not a one off. Please advise.
In Farm Heroes, I played Chase the Sun but received no prizes
Today in Farm Heroes, I played Chase the Sun but received no prizes. I got to the 1500, 2500 and 3500 levels but never got the prizes at each level.