How can I pass the level 1364
Hi! What's up guys! I'm trying to pass the 1364 level, but, how can I pass it if in that level haven't the quantity specified of carrots. Please help me! hugs y'all <3
My picture stop showing up in farm heroes saga
My picture stop showing up in farm heroes saga eventhough I am connected to Facebook. I rebooted, updated my Profile pictures as suggested nothing works. help!
Stuck on FHS Level 973 - different number of moves?!
I am stuck on FHS 973. Been here for AGES and no success getting anywhere near passing it. My start screen (iOS version) has 16 moves. A video uploaded today to YouTube shows identical looking game board beginning with 23 moves. Is this why I can't do level 973?!?! Help please! Thanks.
farm heroes super saga
I received a pop up message on my tablet that if I am going to download farm heroes super saga I will be given a reward of 50 gold bars for my farm heroes saga and super saga which is a total of 100 gold bars, unfortunately after downloading and playing the super saga I haven't receive the 50 gold on my farm heroes, what…
Where are my 50 gold bars I was promised in Farm Heroes Saga?
I downloaded the Super Farm Heroes Saga and was supposed to get 50 gold bars in Farm Heroes Saga and Super Farm Heroes Saga. I got the 50 gold in the new game but not Farm Heroes Saga. What's the deal?
Animals blocked
I have earned the 3 stars on different levels but the animals are still blocked, i don't know what els to unlock those animals, please help me.. - See more at: https://care.king.com/en/farm-heroes-saga/i-have-earned-the-3-stars-on-level-different-levels-but-the-animals-are-still-blocked#sthash.f4DUJy8m.dpuf
missing gold bars
I downloaded the new farm heroes super saga via the offer for the 50 gold bars in farm heroes super saga and 50 gold bars in farm heroes saga, i have got the ones in farm heroes super saga but not in farm heroes saga.
Completed level animals blocked
I completed level 692 but animals are still blocked? Even when I try to replay it it shows completed
Got my games back now I need to be back on the levels I was on. Don't want to start over. Thanks!
how can i find am in which position compare with all over players???
could u plzz tell me the way.................................................................................................................................................................