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I have 1 gold bar.I want free gold bars

Talking_Angela Posts: 15 Level 2

I can't buy boosters,lives and instant acess with 1 gold bar! I don't know how to get free gold bars. Answers please?


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755 Level 3

    Unless king gives away gold bars as some kind of promotion, you cannot get gold bars for free, you have to purchase them if you want to buy boosters. Or you can continue playing the game for free :)

  • Talking_Angela
    Talking_Angela Posts: 15 Level 2

    Unless king gives away gold bars as some kind of promotion, you cannot get gold bars for free, you have to purchase them if you want to buy boosters. Or you can continue playing the game for free :)

    I can't buy more gold bars becuz i don't have more money...( I should i have 20$ ?? )
  • Momsha
    Momsha Posts: 1 Newbie

    King sucks. I'm stuck on level 90 of this new game and have been for weeks. I'm ready to delete it all since it's supposed to be fun, not frustrating. I didn't get to level 90 now knowing how to play. I'll never spend a dime on their stupid boosts so I guess I'm done. Too bad. I was enjoying it until I got stuck on a level 90.

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