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I found out that if you have 5 lives at the start of a game then any lives (messages) that have been sent to you by friends automatically turn into beans. But if you have less than 5 lives at the start of a game session you will be able to receive lives from your friends and these can be stored until you close the game down.
Also, you will be given beans if when the new message is received you have 5 lives. So, if you have less than 5 lives and you close the app long enough for the lives to fully recharge to 5 then when you reopen it you only will receive beans.
I hope this helps
Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it. Any user / player in his or her right mind plays the game when the lives are full therefore only opening the App/game session when this is the case, Once all lives have been used we close the game session and move onto something else until the reload time has passed. When opening we can not even avoid the screen that advises that friends have sent lives, lives we cannot access at any time when actually needed. Turning these lives into beans is nothing more than a total scam, fortunately it is a scam of a free game so no one can do anything about it and you would be mad to think that the developers would change the way it works.
Kim, if you are still using the app, there are a number of others available. Play one and when the lives run out go to another and so on until the original has recharged.
Simple really