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Free Lives

Cathy_Robb Posts: 7 Level 2

Why is it that my message folder contains free lives sent by friends, but at the end of the day I leave Farm Heroes leaving many there but when I come to play the next day, there are none in my folder anymore?  I understand the game play of receiving beans versus request for lives depending on your amount on hand at the time but what does that have to do with those your friends have already sent and you have seen them in your message folder.  I only use what I need to have a full 5 at anytime because otherwise it's a loss so where do they go?  Seems unfair if they are in messages they should stay there until you need them, right?????


  • aCe
    aCe Posts: 1,442 Level 2

    That is part of the game play. It's the same with other King games as well. The lives and messages are only there when you play the first session, so if you close the game at any point, they will disappear. You have your 5 lives at the beginning and for me that's enough. 

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