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how do I pass level 63?

achastain Posts: 1

Level 1

I've been stuck here for many hours. I never can get below around 25%. How do I gain more pointz?

Best Answer

  • Crusher18
    Crusher18 Posts: 1,286
    Answer ✓

    Follow these tips to pass this tricky level :) 

    Focus on making 3 crops matches to overcome Rancid the Raccoon.

    Make further large matches of crops to beat the level.

    You can try 4 to 6 crops matches.You don’t need to concentrate on cracking the ice since all the ice will break themselves as you make up to 6 crops matches.Use magic beans to enhance the value of each move you make.

    Also watch this video of a player passing this level:


  • Crusher18
    Crusher18 Posts: 1,286
    Answer ✓

    Follow these tips to pass this tricky level :) 

    Focus on making 3 crops matches to overcome Rancid the Raccoon.

    Make further large matches of crops to beat the level.

    You can try 4 to 6 crops matches.You don’t need to concentrate on cracking the ice since all the ice will break themselves as you make up to 6 crops matches.Use magic beans to enhance the value of each move you make.

    Also watch this video of a player passing this level:

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