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Why can I not send or receive lives from friends?

RustyR34 Posts: 1

Level 1

I have sent lives to friends and they said they never received them. My wife plays and we have sent each other lives and never received. The only thing we get is beans from friends. I don't have much else I can tell you about this. 


  • Wunderbaum
    Wunderbaum Posts: 4,398


    You and your friends playing Farm Heroes have to be online at the same time for the lives to be send/received. If you send to a friend that is offline the friend will only receive beans

    Please also notice that if you have a full set of lives your requests will be returned in beans.

    Cheers :-)

  • Venus_Mynatt
    Venus_Mynatt Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This is the most ridiculous response and programming logic I ever seen. Both player must be on-line at same time?! Give me a break, what are the odds of this occurring? Zero to 1/million. This needs to be changed pronto. Why request lives only to get beans. I had the same question. Here I have friends that have taken time out of their day to send me the lives that I requested and so desperately need. Yet, I never get lives. instead I'm accumulating more beans then I could ever use. Take some of that advertising budget to fix issues such as this and you'll get a larger audience! This is actually on of a handful of "screwy & unbelievable" things I've heard all week! I really enjoy your games and think that overall you produce fun and problem free games. Except for a few bugs like this one or the fact that for some reason your games freeze up my PC and causes it to automatically reboot.  That is a critical error that needs fixing. it's worst with Candy crush be happens to all games.If problems continue the most logical thing for me to do is stop playing & tell everyone that ask not to waste their time playing them too. Remember, the customer is always right. Even the ones that play your games for free. Thanks for hearing me out and pleas fix the problem with Farm Heros Saga so that it works like your other games (e.g. candy crush saga). Use that logic and rebuild it to work on this one. If the programmer can''t resolve the issue, fire them and hire me...hehe...Aloha!

  • Tra-Deni_Harris
    Tra-Deni_Harris Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This is the most ridiculous response and programming logic I ever seen. Both player must be on-line at same time?! Give me a break, what are the odds of this occurring? Zero to 1/million. This needs to be changed pronto. Why request lives only to get beans. I had the same question. Here I have friends that have taken time out of their day to send me the lives that I requested and so desperately need. Yet, I never get lives. instead I'm accumulating more beans then I could ever use. Take some of that advertising budget to fix issues such as this and you'll get a larger audience! This is actually on of a handful of "screwy & unbelievable" things I've heard all week! I really enjoy your games and think that overall you produce fun and problem free games. Except for a few bugs like this one or the fact that for some reason your games freeze up my PC and causes it to automatically reboot.  That is a critical error that needs fixing. it's worst with Candy crush be happens to all games.If problems continue the most logical thing for me to do is stop playing & tell everyone that ask not to waste their time playing them too. Remember, the customer is always right. Even the ones that play your games for free. Thanks for hearing me out and pleas fix the problem with Farm Heros Saga so that it works like your other games (e.g. candy crush saga). Use that logic and rebuild it to work on this one. If the programmer can''t resolve the issue, fire them and hire me...hehe...Aloha!

    I agree! That's just ridiculous to have to be on line at the same time. Might as well just say sending beans instead of lives.

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