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not receiving lifes back when requesting from neighbours

Deborah_Buckley Posts: 1 Newbie

when asking for lifes not receiving gifts back even though friends are sending them


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,013 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Its an ongoing issue. Sometimes it helps if you click on the request icon in your notifications on your bar at the top of the facebook page. Then when the inbox has opened and you have accepted all requests (without closing the game), go back to your notifications and see if theย Farm Heroes request icon isย still there. If it is, click on it again and see if any more come through. If they do, keep repeating until they stop.

    I also find that using the Firefox browser, seems to stop my requests coming through as much. I get more using google chrome.ย 

    Hope it helps :)

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