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Why can i not get past lv 63 when i bet him and now i cant open lv64 choo choo prize >. < why?

Pappy Posts: 1 Newbie

I don't know why I can not open the choo choo prize for lv64? Also I was up to NZ had 68 bars 16 dogs then my game wiped everything. Had to start again. >. < not cool.Β 


  • KingsPinn
    KingsPinn Posts: 3,526 Level 2

    It sounds like you're not having a good week Pappy! From what you've said about the game being wiped, maybe you've just lost your connection to facebook/kingdom. Try and check in the app and reconnect. Try this and get back to level 63 then let me know what the game says and why it won't let you play 64.

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