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i am unable to send lifes request?

king292 Posts: 3 Newbie

In farm heroes saga i am unable to send life request to anyone when i try to send i am unable to see anyone there no friends are shown in friends request box i am not getting beans from friends also. why may i know can anyone help??

Best Answer

  • aCe
    aCe Posts: 1,442 Level 2
    Answer βœ“

    Maybe you have lost your connection to the kingdom/facebook, whichever one you were connected with? Check in the settings for the app and see if you've been logged out or maybe even log out and back in again :)


  • aCe
    aCe Posts: 1,442 Level 2
    Answer βœ“

    Maybe you have lost your connection to the kingdom/facebook, whichever one you were connected with? Check in the settings for the app and see if you've been logged out or maybe even log out and back in again :)

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