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Not getting lives from my friends on my tablet only on PC.

Amalia Posts: 1

Level 1


I play mostly on my tablet or my phone, and on both of them I am getting only beans instead of lives. I searched and I tried all the " sugested answers" . Doesn't work.

1. "If your life is full all the lives received from your friends change in beans. " - FALSE.I asked for lives after I run out and I still got beans !

2. go on your pc log in king com options, bla, bla,  syncronise.  = HELOOOO, I want to play on my tablet not my pc. 

3. I tried another options. I delete my app, then I load it again, syncronise with my account. It didn't work  instead it took all my "helpers" as I've been using them. And I didn't.  Now I have to wait to fill them up. 

I am running out of options. 


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?