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Installation fail code 110 after upgrade tablet to android 4.2.2Can´t install Candy Crush, Farm Heroes and a few more, but no problem installing AlphaBetty Saga, Candy Crush Soda og Candy Crush Jelly.Have deleted cashe and data in Google play app, and tried deleting upgrades i the app as well. Still not working. I sure don´t get why some is working and others not..
Any good ideas ?
Hey Jeanette, this error code is related to your tablet and not the game. If you take a look here:
Maybe these will help you out
I did try those thing, and non worked.. It is proberbly related to firmwareissues, but just dont get why it affects some of kings game and not other. So somehow it is related to the game too. An inkompatibility.
But thanks for trying.. *S*