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The King design team are really Rancid on his levelI am a part of Farmer Tracy's FHS family. We used to be a happy bunch of cropsies enjoying the game but now one by one we are turning into grumpy cropsies, feeling frustrated at the ridiculously impossible levels lately. If the level is HARD, that's ok. But if it is IMPOSSIBLE then that's just not fair! We are a bunch of honest, fair players who don't cheat and enjoy a good challenge in the game that we love. I am stuck at level 1382 and I refuse to spend tons of gold just to pass it. We yearn for the fun, challenging levels of yore that required our skill, strategy, planning and a little bit of luck to pass. Lately it looks like we just need to pay a lot of gold to pass. That's not a fair or fun game anymore. Please revise your latest episodes or else u might lose a whole bunch of good players.
Hi! I'm a member of Tracy's FHS family, a great group! They're right. I've also hit levels that are hard to pass. Some I've spent weeks weeks on, then I finally get enough boosters to pass with one star. I also stopped Candy Crush as I've been stuck one one hard level for months! I love this group, and I want to see the members happy again. Extra moves on some of the harder levels would be great!!
I'm also a member of Farmer Tracy's FHS group, and have to agree with everything she said. I haven't even gotten to level 1382 or 1383, as even the 1140's levels are seemingly impossible to pass. Before King updated the levels, I can see that the levels I'm currently playing used to have approximately HALF the cropsie requirements that are now required, AND they had more moves to collect less! This is just incredibly frustrating, King. IF your desire is to KILL FHS, then congrats - you've achieved your goal. However, if your goal is to force the purchase of boosters, I'll just say goodbye. I should not have to purchase boosters on EVERY level just to pass. This game is no longer fun. I've been playing FHS for more than a year, but I'm afraid I'll be leaving this game behind. It's a real shame because I really enjoyed it. But, by making the levels impossible to pass, it's just an effort in futility and frustration. That is NOT why I play games.
I'm at 1382 now too. And I can't get through. It is impossible. You can't do it without spending money and buying a lot of boosters and extra moves. And I don't want to do that. Not only because I don't want to part with my money but also because it's cheating. If you play the game with al lot of extra help you might as well send money to King without playing. For me it is about skills, and a little luck. With a lot of boosters there is no skill involved. Than the winner is just depended on the person who is able or willing to spent the most money. And lets be honest; to many things in the world are like that.
Hi, I am a relative seedling, only around lvl 350, but reading this, I have decided that as soon as the difficulty outweighs the fun, I am gone. It must be hard to have invested so much time and effort, and cash, into the game to just quit, and King know that very well. Most people are willing to spend a little for their fun, but it sounds like they are really ruining the game to squeeze money out of their players. I will keep hold of my cash and find a new game.
Hi Rio Rita, Thank you for posting this here on King Care.Your feedback is important to us and I appreciate it a lot that you chose our community site to do so. Kindest regards and have a great day,Tony - King Care TeamHi, I am a relative seedling, only around lvl 350, but reading this, I have decided that as soon as the difficulty outweighs the fun, I am gone. It must be hard to have invested so much time and effort, and cash, into the game to just quit, and King know that very well. Most people are willing to spend a little for their fun, but it sounds like they are really ruining the game to squeeze money out of their players. I will keep hold of my cash and find a new game.