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no envelope at the top of the screen

Hilary-3 Posts: 2

Level 1

Hi two days ago I asked a question titled Lost my Progress and Mark answered it and said I should have a message in an envelope at the top of my screen. But there is no envelope!  I would really like to keep playing Farm Heroes Saga but I was at a level around 700 and I am not willing to start over!   The game kept force quitting and when I reloaded it, it put me back to level one.  Please let me know if I can keep playing, this is my favorite game.


  • MarkHawk
    MarkHawk Posts: 4,061

    Hi Hilary,

    Kindly look for the envelope icon, top right corner of King Care. It is located between the 'Log out' link and your avatar. In case you can't see it then please try from another computer.

    Kind regards,

    - Mark, Team King Care

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