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I can no longer log into Farm Heroes on iPhone 6 (ios). I have the dreaded red X, etc. I'm at game 529 on my phone but for some reason I am no longer logged in and I get pop-up messages about not having an internet connection (this is not the case as I can play other King games from my phone). I'm signed up at King.com and on King.com I am at level 526. I have no idea why 526, 527 and 528 did not sync with King.com (from my phone) but they were hard levels and I'd like to:
(1) be able to play on my phone again as it's the only format I've ever used for Farm Heroes and the other King Games
(2) not have to go back and replay those levels.
I've scoured this site for answers and even activated my Facebook account (which was deactivated) so that I could have access to this help site. I've also asked for help via Twitter as well as via email (no response to 4+ emails). My husband (AZplayer) has even been kind enough to try to ask for help here on this site but there's been no definitive answer on what my problem might be and how I should proceed.
Of note: I no longer have the little logo that shows my profile or a log-in option (on my iPhone).
I enjoy playing the game and would like to continue forward on my iPhone.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Editing to add #1: Please note - I do not play any of these games on Facebook as my account has been inactive since 2014.
Editing to add #2: I have screenshots to verify my place on my phone as well as screenshots of the red X, no internet connection screens, etc.
I am still awaiting assistance on this problem. I would be happy to upload screenshots or anything needed to expedite things. Thanks in advance.