Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Nesse Episódio, rápido Você tem Que Fazer Com que As Três abelhas abram Totalmente como asas (Juntas), Só Assim conseguirá obtê-las ...
Nesse Episódio, rápido Você tem Que Fazer Com que As Três abelhas abram Totalmente como asas (Juntas), Só Assim conseguirá obtê-las ...
I would also like to know the answer as I'm having the same issue...
please give the answer of this question
You have to light up all the flies, that is match 3 cropsies for each fly to light up, once all flies are lit to the max, they will disappear
To continue with my previous post, match cropsies x 3 for each fly for all to be lit to the max for them to disappear. Match cropsies x 3 individually.