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My facebook Acct and King.com acct are at different levels. I have tried several times. I removed the app from the face book page and delete the app. re-installed the app on my device and facebook account. The emails are now the same but the games are at different levels. I have also followed the video to help connect to facebook. still the accounts wont link. another point to consider when advising - At King.Com page I change my email address from old to new email. here at Car.king.com the account setting is still with my old email address. The two king web pages are not synced. In addition, the face book account email matches the new King.com email account under settings.
Hi Ldiaz1800,,
Thank you for posting this here on King Care.
I have sent you a private message which you should have received in your inbox.
Kindest regards,
Tony - King Care Team