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Level 1
My wife got a new kindle for Christmas. In the process of transferring her games over to the new one, I accidently linked her king accounts with my facebook account. Now me and her are the same level and when I advance she advances, we share the beans etc. I love her but I dont want to share my beans and progress. How can I unsync her king account from my facebook account? If she has to start over from Level 1 when she was on level 700something she's gonna be so mad at me! Please help me.
Yes, she will be very very mad with you, good luck lol. Those 700 levels are hard. I will escalate it for you in the hope that a nice King person can help you
Hi Chris,
Unfortunately it is not possible to separate the player data once the accounts are merged.
Instead I suggest the following:
Ask your wife to create a new profile on King.com. Once done she will have to play and complete at least 1 level in Farm Heroes Saga. I will then be able to manually restore her progress to correct level.
Please notice that we require direct contact from a player in order to verify ownership of the game account. This can be arranged by letting the person with the issue log into King Care and post a request to have the levels restored. Once done a King Care moderator will get in contact and solve the issue.
Kind regards,
- Mark, Team King Care