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No Lives coming through Facebook

Lady_Choo Posts: 26,445

Any one else having issues? I haven't had a single life in hours and hardly any today. I even resorted to buying something for unlimited lives. Its not a common issue, with as many playing friends as I have, I don't normally need to request any, but they don't seem to be there today. I am wondering if it is a Facebook thing.


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,445

    I worked out it was because I had the app open on my tablet briefly yesterday. I have noticed before if I have the app open, I lose lives from Facebook. And I know there are connection issues, but this raises more questions.

    Why?..if I request lives on a pc AFTER I had the app open, and have Facebook on my laptop open all day on and off, but do not play the game or open the app on my tablet, do all the lives go through to my tablet instead? I had a lot waiting for me when I went to check this morning. Which now means I won't get many come through to Facebook today now. I rarely play on the app.

    If I requested lives from the app, they would go to the app, so why does it not work the same on Facebook? Its like the app says it is priority and disregards Facebook.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?