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Level 1
My mom is old and she enjoys playing these kind of games on a tablet, sometimes i give her my card so she can buy some boosters to help her, but today once i came home i saw her crying and then she told me her problem, she was on level 800 or 700-ish in Farm Heroes Saga, she dont know how but shes on level 1 now, and she spent alot of time on the game, i tried to solve connecting to king or facebook but nothing works, shes still on level 1, shes really sad and it breaks me, so i made my self some time to ask for help, if can someone tell me the solution please, or it needs a payment or something, just yesterday i gave her some cash so she can unlock new levels as she say, please really help me on this.
Oh no Manuel. that is sad. I am sure its just a connection problem and I know that there have been connection issues which the team are looking into. I am going to give you some trouble shooting steps to try. If they don't help, come back and tell us and I will ask the king team to look at it.
Thanks alot for your answer, i tried what the video said, everything, but doesnt work, everything is updated and connected only with wi-fi, tried to reconnect and still on level 1, i'd aprreciate if you could contact with king please, thanks again.
I will do Manuel, that's not a problem. Unfortunately it might have to be your mother that does. As its her account. Does she have a King care account? The King mod can tell you more. I will pass this thread on but its the weekend so it might be a couple of days before anyone see's it
Yeah she have a king account, and yeah we can wait dont worry, thanks alot for your help
Hi Manuel,
I have sent you a private message, so that we can check your mothers player account. Please click on the envelope icon on the top right corner of the screen and kindly get back to me with the details in order to solve the issue.
Kind regards,
- Mark, Team King Care