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How do you set up an account to pay for gold bars?

Kmacprint Posts: 2 Newbie

How do you set up an account to pay for gold bars? I am unable to see the answers to this same question in your questions area, so please reply to my question. Thank you. For any game.


  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 966 Pro Player 👑

    HI Kmacprint,

    Thank you for contacting King Care!

    I see that you're playing onKing.Com. Here are the instructions for adding a debit or credit card, copied from the FAQs page.  

    Adding a new card:  If you have received a new card you can change your card number when you make a purchase at the website. Simply add the card as a new card on the deposit screen. Your old card will be removed when the expiration date is up. Gold bars are purchased from within each game. So when you're on the game you want to purchase gold bars, it will prompt you for your payment information.

    Hope this helps!  Also here is the link on purchases from the website if you have any other questions.

    Thank you for your inquiry, 


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