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I've see that your suppose to be able to use magic beans to by help but it always asks me to buy gol

Barbara_Heinrich Posts: 1 Newbie

I've seen that your're suppose to be able to use magic beans to purchase help but mine only asks me to buy gold bars to do that. Β Where can I use just the beans since Β I have so many?


  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725 Level 5

    Hello Barbara,

    Magic Beans are an in-game currency which you can use to overcome the evil Rancid the Raccoon in the Rancid levels. In exchange for Magic Beans any collected Cropsies will get a damage bonus to help you deplete Rancid's health bar faster. Beans can also be used to buy Shovel Boosters and to activate your companion at the start of a level.

    They can also be used to active the animal Companions when entering a level.

    I hope this information helps.

    Kind regards,


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