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not enough moves and area FARM HEROS level 495

Anastasia_Kaira Posts: 1 Newbie

 level 495 there are 24 moves...My game I only get 15 moves,Also there is a 10 line grid play area...My game only has a 8 line grid missing the top and bottom line. This makes impossible to get 3 stars and impossible to get the 3 animals to claim the reward. Any ideas anyone on what to do. Thanks 


  • Tony_Mc
    Tony_Mc Posts: 4,138 Level 3

    Hi Anastasia Kaira,

    Thank you for posting this here on King Care.

    Congratulations on beating this level 495 in Farm Heroes Saga. Please feel free to share your tips here with us.

    Kindest regards and have a great day,

    Tony - King Care Team

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