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Level 1
It was forced to unintelligible my game when I tried opening it after the UPDATE. I reinstalled to find a travesty of the game I played. Everything but my progress was gone. I understand your coding doesn't allow us to keep saved BOOSTERS, but, my COMPANIONS were re-locked as well as the BOOSTERS. I see a lot of people in MA NY "threads" have the same issue. The way the forum is set up it is impossible to not only find what you are looking for, but it seems instead of telling EACH person you will "pass it on," why not use a "STICKY" system like any other organized forums? That way most of us will go to the "KNOWN ISSUES" thread right off, and complain in the same spot instead of dozens of threads with the same issue that say SOLVED when they really arent? If I'm just crazy, and for some reason my phone is not showing your forum site as an actual forums site, please tell me so I can unintelligible every KING game I have so I can save my sanity and make room for functioning games. I hate wasting money on a gaming company that just doesn't care enough about its game OR its gamers. So please, fund a way to either tell me my forum issue is my own, or hire a designer/programmer team to spiff up this forum, and find away to have a few more people to help with answers and information. Trust me in the long run if you want to keep the players that actually don't need to ask permission-based but own their own Credit Cards, it will be worth it. Thanks for listening, we'll reading.
Hi Lady Skyy,
Thank you for posting this here on King Care.
Your feedback is important to us and I appreciate it a lot that you chose our community site to do so. Please try not to write here on King Care in capitol letters if possible.
I have sent you a private message regarding your account. You should be able to see it in your inbox here on King Care.
Kindest regards and have a great day,
Tony - King Care Team
I agree with Lady Skyy. As a Super User it would be much easier if there were official sticky posts and save us a lot of typing saying the same thing
Lady Skyy, (I don't know if Tony has mentioned in pm, he might already have in which case I apologise and I am only posting on here because I have been following your posts all night and you have had a lot of patience) We have a beta King care forum but its only got bubble witch 3 on at the moment. When its running properly, they aim to have all the games over there and its my hope that it will be easier to navigate and find threads because sometimes they get lost between "recent" and "trending" and don't show up until after I have logged off. And Farm Heroes seems to be unloved most of all. But trust me (I may be a super user but I am not official King, they don't pay me so I can honestly say this as just another player) the situation with a lot of games at the moment is sucky. Its not usual for the games to all have problems at the same time like this. But if I have been writing "I will pass it on" and it does sound like me, I genuinely do pass it on. Poor Tony will confirm this as he has been bombarded in the last few days.
They are working hard on the new site, but everything has to work before they can let us all over there. I am told it will be easier to use, more user friendly and will represent the games fairly so here's hoping its soon