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What is the point of asking a question, when it doesn't get answered?

Sev_2 Posts: 2

Level 1

Why is it that I can't get a very simple question answered? I've posted here, I've emailed, and only got one response in a different language than I asked (meaning I can't read it). I have been searching for similar questions and in each one, the moderator said I have sent you a private message to fix this. Um what is the point of this forum if all the posted replies are secretive and don't answer the question? I just want to know about saving game progress and which games will be lost if I switch operating systems! I'm sure thousands of people have this question. You act like I've asked for the secret to life! Please offer a real response that other people can read, OR you can actually respond with legitimate answers to the questions we email you with.


  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,158
    edited January 2018

    Hi Sev, I understand your frustration!! 

    The questions just pile up and we cannot answer them all without more help from King!

    If your game progress is saved by King or Facebook you should have be able to reconnect and be back where you were if you have to reinstall all your games.

    Gold and progress is saved, boosters are not.

    Of course, this does not always work out, which is where those Private messages come in.  I assume they are where a King Care Team member is going into the players game to restore their progress when it has not come back.

    My advice would be to screenshot or record in some way exactly where you are in each game just in case all is lost. 

    Then, if it does not work, you too can get a Private Message :-)

    Write again in this post (so I can find it) if you need more help.

  • Fred_Smith-2
    Fred_Smith-2 Posts: 14

    Level 1

    Games are automatically saved, changing operating systems should have no effect on your progression when using the likes of facebook, as you use the same username.

  • Balela_Graça
    Balela_Graça Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I passed level 69 of farm heroes saga. But Don't pass to the next level. 




  • Elfke
    Elfke Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I think King is losing so many players just because they don't even do an attempt to help. My friend works also in some similar organisation. His job is aswer the questions and in need try to find the solution or he has to repo

  • Sandy_Brodie
    Sandy_Brodie Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Why would I redo a level that has a key on it? I tried once and solved the level but nothing happen. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?