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Level 1907 FHS

Sandgroper Posts: 24 Level 2

Having a mind boggle with 1907 FHS and hoping for any input please.

20 moves for 3 beetles, 40 water 110 strawberries and 9 flowers! It takes min 5 moves to get rid of beetles, then min 3 to get a water drop to then plant 9 seeds -that's 17 moves just there - I get it's a 'hard' level but I won't even use boosters now because it is just chewing though my beans for completely no avail. Even using shovels for seeds isn't helping as each flower then needs 3 matches next to and the seeds don't drop down very quickly!

How is this level possible?

Many thanks in advance.



  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,037 Pet Rescue Moderator

    Hiya, I am not quite this high yet so hopefully someone else can help. How about using shovels to drop crop rows into place?

    I will also pass your feedback on as its sounding ridiculous!

  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509 Community Manager

    Hi again Sandgroper,

    (Always glad to hear from you!)

    Thanks again for letting me know with great detail the difficulty you encounter. We will pass this feedback on to the team but you need to understand as well that you are one of the most experienced and greatest players out there, so these levels, like you mention, ought to be hard. However, your feedback has been sent and the team will check the level out.



  • Sandgroper
    Sandgroper Posts: 24 Level 2

    @Chicken Slayer thanks, good luck on your future levels and yes have tried to drop crops but there is just not enough moves or shovels to manage everything required lol.

    Many thanks.

    Hi @Xarly haha yes me again! 

    There hopefully are quite a few heading towards this level as the complaints on 1901 are going on but although we may be high level ranking players we are that because we enjoy the game.

    It shouldn't mean make it harder or like this one too hard or make it so hard that enough players want to quit, it means keep it enjoyable so they keep playing.

    We made it this far - I remember being stuck on a level for at least 2 months very early on but I love the game and the strategies and got through and that was a couple of years ago now.

    Many thanks for the help and happy cropping!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,037 Pet Rescue Moderator

    I said exactly the same off KC earlier. The only good thing about not being top (I can't use/refuse to use boosters as I blog) is by the time I get there, they have been changed. 

    I remember levels 99, 120 and 124 very very vividly in the early days....

  • Sandgroper
    Sandgroper Posts: 24 Level 2

    Please pass on my many thanks to the team. Concern resolved!


  • Sandgroper
    Sandgroper Posts: 24 Level 2

    Well @Chicken Slayer and @Xarly if I couldn't get my head around that level then so help me Kingdom I am doomed! 

    For real. Like seriously lol

    Level 1913

    Need: 2 matadors, 270 suns, 270 strawberries AND 16 flowers and get this... All in 13 moves! Ohh and with 10 blocks in the way as well - come on.

    Not even funny now, a couple of whole games has been every single move does 'no more moves, shuffling' what a waste of time and beans. There's not even enough of the board to get decent drops for points to even add up to those figures for crops.

    Feeling like the under worm here but hope you are all having better fun on your levels.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,037 Pet Rescue Moderator

    **cries** I thought 1787-1791 were boring enough :(:(:(

    I will pass it over ;)

  • Sandgroper
    Sandgroper Posts: 24 Level 2
    edited June 2018

    Hahaha, I know right! :)

    Thank you

  • MarkHawk
    MarkHawk Posts: 4,061 Community Manager

    Hi Sandgroper,

    Sounds like 1913 is a show stopper. I'll take your feedback to the game studio.

    Just out of curiosity - how did you manage to complete level 1907?

    - Mark

  • Sandgroper
    Sandgroper Posts: 24 Level 2

    Hi Sandgroper,

    Sounds like 1913 is a show stopper. I'll take your feedback to the game studio.

    Just out of curiosity - how did you manage to complete level 1907?

    - Mark

    Hello Mark, 1907 was certainly manageable once some changes were kindly made on the level.They changed the amount of strawberries to 90 the amount of flowers to 6 and altered the amount of moves - made it 24 moves - that with the filler companion for me :)Was nice of them to make all of the changes. I love playing FHS it's been the only game I have stuck with for years :)

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?