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Contest time - 100 gold bars and some sweet King goodies await!

Xarly Posts: 2,509

Hi everyone!

We're running a contest HERE!

Make sure you comment below the article there (submissions here won't count) and you can be one of the 10 winners of 100 gold bars!

All the information is in the article linked above so just read there and let us know:

Which was the craziest moment that you were caught playing one of our games?

This contest applies for all King games so don't miss your chance of getting awesome prizes!




  • Mandy_Jeffery
    Mandy_Jeffery Posts: 3

    Level 1

    got caught playing pet rescue at 4 in the morning well and truely busted lol

  • Veeresh
    Veeresh Posts: 465

    I play Candy Crush Saga only and eagerly wait for Wednesday for the new episode to be released. ......the craziest moment I experienced was around 3 weeks ago. .....when I opened the game Day 1 of Treat calendar opened and I collected the booster but instead of stopping the booster popped up again and I clicked on it once more. .....This went on for the next 1 hour and I kept clicking on the booster again and again. .....must have done it around 150 times. .....I knew it was a bug but wasn't sure that the boosters were getting accumulated. ......I forcefully shut the game and when I reopened the game I was surprised / stunned to note that my booster had increased by approx 150 nos. ......I later wished that had I continued I could have accumulated many more.......

  • Michele_P.
    Michele_P. Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Farm Heroes Saga got me in trouble at my last job a lot. I just couldn't put my phone down!

  • Lise_Poulin
    Lise_Poulin Posts: 1

    Level 1

    In the late

  • MarkHawk
    MarkHawk Posts: 4,061

    Hi guys,

    Don't forget that your post only counts if it's entered here: :-)

    - Mark

  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509
    edited June 2018

    Hey everyone!

    Just a heads-up that there's only 3 more days to go! If you have submitted a response, remember to get as many likes on it as possible in order to get the great prizes that await!

    And if you haven't participated yet, you still have time!

    Head to THIS link and join us for some stories from our players around our games! (remember that you NEED to participate inside that link and not in this discussion)



  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    edited June 2018

    Hi guys,

    Just to remind you that we will close the contest today at 12pm CET, so until then, there's still a chance for you to grab your 100 Gold Bars ;)

    Good luck everyone!

    - Mia

    PS: Remember to post your story there ;)

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972

    Hi guys,

    The contest is now FINISHED!

    Thanks for all the great stories, it was so fun to read them all!! We will contact the winners for their prize next week, so until then, have a Fun-tastic weekend :)

    - Mia

    JACKAL Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I was playing farm saga and I was on a quest I reached the fifth level it was my last move and I had to get one more water cropsie I could see no way to do it I could only hope and pray and you know how the 5 level quest works lose and start all over again and I was already rubbing the skin off my hands from nerves just managing to get past level 4 on my last move now here it was last move last level of the quest my chance to be king and like I was saying I could see no way forward need one more water cropsie and the is no way I'm going to line up 3 there was only 2 or 3 water cropsies scattered around the board so I took my final move managing to blow the one explosive with a short enough fuse and move and pray situation and I could not believe it all the luck in the world was on my side and the explosion caused enough ruckees to line 3 water cropsies I was ecstatic I was king I practically felt like a real king never having achieved king status in farm saga and finally I was king a really outstanding achievement I've only ever made king one other time and that was candy crush saga if I can manage a king status in candy crush soda then I can say I've made the hatrick in my 3 favourite strategy games. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?