Collect flowers for rewards!
Join Farmers in collecting flowers by naming a flower in this thread!
Same. Every level is impossible till they revise them a few days later.
They clearly don't try them out first
You right! Its impossible!
King shall reset the bonus lost due to this
The spiders and amounts are possible, but hatch out eggsome to get 9 chicks...impossible. 2 chicks made it.. with help of some shovels. Getting 9 chicken is impossible with the amounts of eggs in this level.
I can manage spiders about 200 apples with use of bonuses but never managed more than 4 chicks. Impossible.
If they don't fix this level, I am done with Farm Heroes Saga. No sense in playing anymore since I will not pay nor use up all my extras like beans to beat one level.
It's been fixed for 2 days....
It's not been fixed on android! My friend uses iPad and has stormed through loads of levels first time while we have to wait days for a fix.
Weird. I am on android and it was updated on Saturday for me.