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Parmheroes saga

David_Lipscomb Posts: 43 Level 2

Please can you kindly advise me why my photo shows up on my partner's profile king account KingM.

We have different E-Mail addresses and she would like to play without my photo appearing.



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Best Answer


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,741 Sweet Legend
    Answer βœ“

    Hi David, I'm not sure but perhaps both of you need to sign out of your accounts and then let your partner sign in to see what happens.Β 

  • David_Lipscomb
    David_Lipscomb Posts: 43 Level 2

    Hi David, I'm not sure but perhaps both of you need to sign out of your accounts and then let your partner sign in to see what happens.Β 

    Elsa unfortunately it doesn't resolve the problem but thank you for your prompt reply which is appreciated. Her king profile has her Email address and for some games she can play independently but for others my mugshot appears Hope your having a good day

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