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*Superstar information post* Updates in the app store

We often ask if you have checked your game for updates as you will see in the faqs. Many players assume because their device is set for automatic updates that it will update itself. Most of the time it does. However there are many times for whatever reason it doesn’t. When playing on devices before troubleshooting or asking for help, it’s always a good idea to manually go to the App Store and check for updates. If nothing is showing, find the app in the store and just check it only gives you the options to uninstall/open. Sometimes updates haven’t shown for me until that point. 
A prime example recently was a player who had had no problems for months but couldn’t get beyond a certain level. He hadn’t checked for updates as it was on automatic. When he went to the store not only was there an update, his levels were instantly doubled. So it’s a good idea to check as we will ask you to anyway :) 
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