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Everytime I log in the game freezes & kicks me out

beckigropper Posts: 1 Newbie
edited February 2019 in Support
Everytime I log in the game freezes & kicks me out. I have to log in 6 or 7 times before I  can actually play. Then after playing once it starts kicking me out all over again


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 25,482 Pet Rescue Moderator
    Hi @beckigropper and welcome to the community. 
    I deduce from what you say that you are playing on a mobile or tablet? That is so annoying, but we need to do some troubleshooting to start with. Could you let us know which device/OS you are playing on and the version, have you checked for updates in the store? And then I can get you the troubleshooting files :) 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?