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(Finished) Win 3x50 Gold bars in the Hunter vs. Rancid caption contest!

QueenB Posts: 14,096 Community Manager
edited July 2019 in Contests

Caption contest! Tell us what Hunter and Rancid are saying in the photo

Will Rancid get the final word or will Hunter tell him like it is?

To enter in this contest all you'll have to do is to reply to this thread with what Hunter and Rancid are saying to each other in the photo 
At the end of the contest we will pick 3 winners who will each receive 50 Gold bars! star

You may post as many times as you like but you can maximum win one prize.

star star Good luck in the contest! B 

Contest will run until 30th of June 2019, 23:59 CET. Terms and Conditions here


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