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All my beans have disappeared

PennyLondon Posts: 3

Level 1

Hi, about 4-5 weeks ago all my (I am sure I had) hundreds of thousands of beans disappeared except for about a thousand. Please, could you look into this for me, thank you 🙏 


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,841
    Welcome to our Community @PennyLondon🤗

    I did have a look at your game records and found no issues with the Magic Beans that you had as it looks like it has been used and it is all accounted for.

    Magic Beans has been used to activate the Companions which takes 90 or 50 Magic Beans each time you play so you now have 40 Magic Beans left in the game.

    I'm sorry but I see no issues 😕

  • PennyLondon
    PennyLondon Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Seems like this is the standard answer given to players whose beans are removed. Either this wasn’t looked into or there is a bigger problem. I am not stupid and know what beans are used for and how many I had? I have accumulated many hundreds of thousands of beans through the past 2084 levels. Are the beans being removed to try to get us to spend money, I wonder?
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,841
    I can assure you that I did look in to your game records or else how would I know you have 4315!

    King does not remove Gold bars, game progress or Magic Beans from players game as that is not how we operate but feel free to report this to Player Support here if you feel there is an issue so they can collect cases and investigate further.

    Hope this helps :) 
  • PennyLondon
    PennyLondon Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Well, I had at least 600.000 , possibly more, beans and they have all been removed. So obviously something is wrong. You can’t possibly be on such a high level and suddenly use up all these beans. 
  • sypak
    sypak Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I agree you so much. I got hundred thousand beans disappeared too without convincing reason. So disappointing!!

  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    @PennyLondon and @sypak

    do contact support for them to look into ur accts

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,206

    Hello @sypak Welcome to this friendly King Community 🙂

    I have just answered your question that you have posted at this link --->

    Can you please clarify my doubts please? So that I can ask one of the Community In-charge to check into your game if needed.

    Thank you & have a nice day.

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