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Why are these levels so impossible to win? Also a few tips for a better experience

nivi_chan Posts: 2

Level 1

its a good game BUT your SUPER HARD levels are too hard like literally you cant get past the level 5 in rancids lair and the other hard levels like either give us more moves or power ups and its unfair you can only get power ups by gold because you have to spend us $ to get it, so what happens to people who cant afford it ? we have to suffer and increase the amount of lives we get please


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,181
    Hello @nivi_chan, Hearty Welcome to the Farm Heroes section of our friendly King Community :) 

    I completely understand and agree with what you are saying.  The higher we go in the game, the harder the levels become. 

    1) I read somewhere that the King makes the higher levels harder because he feels that the players who passed level # 2000 like more challenge.  But, except for those "Super Hard Levels", other levels are beatable after few trials.  Especially with the help of "Companions" my personal favorite :D 

    2) With regards to the Rancid's Lair -->  After finishing the 3rd level itself, I got the rewards of some Magic Beans and I think "Recharged Lives" along with 2 Color Collectors.  
    Usually, in all these special events, we only receive "recharge of Boosters", Recharge of Lives, and some Magic Beans (sorry forgot the count again) AND we receive 3 Color Collectors after winning the 2nd level.

    But, I am very glad that they have increased the reward in this event -- because it is very hard!!

    3) With regards to earning the boosters -->  Do you have Quests in your game?  If so, try to finish them... various Quests contain different prizes... starting from Shovels to Egg Crackers. 

    If you see a Quest that you cannot fulfill, try to "Swap" in 24 hour span... Finishing the Quests are definitely a big help.  

    4) With regards to "Gold Bars" -->  I am with you on this too and I do not spend my real money to buy anything!!  Before we used to have Treasure Mill event.  Now, since that event was taken out, no other chance!!

    But, since you are on the Community, stick around and keep an eye on the Contests that run here from time to time.  When we win in those contests, we receive 20 Gold Bars minimum.  Here is the link

    Please let me know if I can help you with anything else!  To post back, tap on "Type your Comment" box located below.

    Keep having fun in your games!  Have a great day/evening!
  • nivi_chan
    nivi_chan Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Thanks  Raj i appreciate the feedback and yes i have watched YouTube vids and tutorials but no luck as no level is identical I'm stuck on rancid lair level 5 and played almost 50+ times no luck they need to ease up on us and make it easier that's one of the major reasons people cheat sometimes and get mods because they can't win it normal as we try to play fair. They need to revise the power up amounts that we are given and ease up the super hard levels because not eveyone is sharp minded as they assumed.
  • shar9845
    shar9845 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    So its not just me

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Trust me, it's not just you. Most of us have trouble passing these levels. That's why you get extra rewards for finishing the entire challenge.

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