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Rewards and companions

eirinistr Posts: 4

Level 1

Almosta 6months and the question marks still there why??


  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    Hello @eirinistr and welcome to the community.  On my display instead of question marks it shows the outline of what I am missing.  When you click on companions - it should show you which companions you are currently missing and what level you need to go to in order to get them (see my screenshot below).  Do you not see a similar display?  Based upon the location of the questions marks, I think you need to go back to several previous levels and get 3 stars so you can collect the remaining companions.

  • eirinistr
    eirinistr Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hi there...its not the same...i have pass all previous levels with 1 2 or 3 stars..but now it doesnt do level no stars needed anything at all...
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927
    What level are you on?  I'm sure you are much farther than I am so maybe its different at the higher levels - but when I get to a level with a cow on it - then to make sure I have all 3 of the companions available to me for use in future levels, I have to complete that level with three stars.  2 stars only gives me two of the companions and one star only gives me one.  I am tagging my fellow superstar who is a Farm Heroes expert @Chicken_Slayer to see if she can provide some additional information.
  • eirinistr
    eirinistr Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Im level 1769 and the last 3 rewards have the question marks..maybe needs update i dont know
  • Sim_One
    Sim_One Posts: 4

    Level 1

    I'm at level 2575 and I have those 3 question marks as well.  I also completed all the levels for companions with 3 stars so I know I have all the animals.
  • eirinistr
    eirinistr Posts: 4

    Level 1

    So we wait to see what will happen..also i have a notification like i have to take regarts but nothing..
  • Sim_One
    Sim_One Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Hey, me too  =)
  • Sim_One
    Sim_One Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Plus, I am waiting while they are growing levels, sigh
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394
    Hey everyone, thank you @bearwithme for the heads up. 
    The companions finish on level 1100 which is why the last 3 have a ?. The studio have not decided if they will bring them back or not yet so they have been like that for a while, and it’s likely they will still be like that for a long time. Feedback is always welcome though :) 
  • Dirty_Nurse
    Dirty_Nurse Posts: 555
    Hey everyone, thank you @bearwithme for the heads up. 
    The companions finish on level 1100 which is why the last 3 have a ?. The studio have not decided if they will bring them back or not yet so they have been like that for a while, and it’s likely they will still be like that for a long time. Feedback is always welcome though :) 

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