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Ice Should Break before Five in a Row Collects

dwb Posts: 115
In short, when a producer companion or bucket creates new cropsies, three or more in in a row should break in-line ice first, before five or more in a row collects them all. There is an algorithm defect that can collect the newly created cropsie before the ice breaks. I saw it happen on Level 5 of the Chicken Coop event. The bucket filled up and created water drops. One drop fell between the two frozen water drop ice squares on the right and a few more fell on the left side making five in a row. The five- iin a row collects all drops, including the one that dropped between the two water drop ice squares--before breaking the ice. Ice should always be broken before  collecting cropsies.


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,402
    Hi @dwb you are right to some extent unfortunately this is the way the game has always played which is why I hate getting five in a row on this level. It could be a fault that needs fixing, but its likely to be a minor fault, which means it won't be priority. if they think its a fault at all. I had exactly the same thing happen to me on a normal level last night. 
    I will of course tag @QueenB as we superstars don't have access to the studio like the cms do, so she can pass it over :) 
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777
    Done 😉
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,402
    Thank you @QueenB! :) 

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