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Send Lives Don't Prompt If Blank

dwb Posts: 115
This is a request for development to remove the prompt to send lives to other players when there aren't any players to send to. Its fine to prompt us to send lives when we can, but after we've done it and are waiting for the next day to be able to send more, please do not prompt us. At least on my iOS device, I am prompted and can send to many (all) but later am offered to send again but there is no one in the list that I can send lives to. It gets in the way and causes consternation. There are becoming more and more screens that pop up in the game that slow me from going where I want to or closing it.


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,841
    Hi @dwb!

    I'll report this to the game team so they can have a look at this feature and see if they can reproduce it, in the meantime, could you try the following as the pop up might be stuck so hopefully this will help:

    - Disconnect the game from Facebook/King account (if connected).
    - Delete Facebook App if you have it installed.
    - Clear cache from your Safari: (Super Important).
    - Restart the device and try connecting the game back to Facebook/King account so your progress can sync.
  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    I don’t have this issue on phone device ...

  • dwb
    dwb Posts: 115
    When I posted I was using and Apple iPhone. Now I have an LG Android.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?