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(Unsupported Language) Bonjour je suis nouvelle

kowsar Posts: 2

Level 1

edited October 2019 in Discussions
Je suis au niveau 2677, je ne peux plus jouer sur mon ordinateur le jeux est bloqué sur ma page facebook çà affiche bientôt disponible mais çà fait lontemps que j'ai ce message dommage


  • Hi @kowsar and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 Due to the rules of the Community we use only the English language here so we can understand each other better and provide more help. I will ask you kindly to make a new post in English and we will do our best to help you. You can use a translator if necessary. This thread will be closed now. Thank you for your understanding. Have a wonderful day 🤗
This discussion has been closed.

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