The second problem, does the game app closes or do you just get sent back to the main menu? Which device are you playing on @Rancid and do you know which game app version you have installed?
Regarding the first issue, could you send me a screenshot of the list being empty?
If you go to the normal game map and select your current level, is the Top List empty as well and can you see your profile picture on the normal game map?
When the App closes, when does happen, after you have received the reards or when you select the next level to play?
I've passed this on to the studio so they are asking these questions, thanks for your collaboration
He has the same problem as I do with life.
Down in the yellow is the time for unlimited lives and above the 5 lives you play.
That would have to be corrected !!!
In the normal game map, I can see my profile picture. In all the normal levels (currently I have completed level 1558) there are at least 14 other players in the Top List.
The only time the app closes is when I hit the Top List button in Pumpkin Party. Other than that, the event works perfectly well.
I think that I should make it clear that it works perfectly on my tablet, but it is still a problem on my phone. I checked for updates, but there aren't any. The second problem is now slightly better. Now when I press the top list button, it displays my name but the score is zero.