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Suggestion: The bull

Don´t know if the bull are supposted to do what it does or if they just haven´t think about it.

Today when you move the bull and that runs away, it destroy the crops they run throug. If it supposted to do that I then guess the bull does what it should. But otherwise my suggestion are that the bull should collect the crops when they run throug them. Then it will do little like the tractor booster and will be more useful.
As it it now sometimes you have to avoid moves around the bull because they destroy the crops you need.


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,779
    Hi @piaandersson, the Bulls are supposed to destroy the crops they run through however, I'll make sure your feedback/suggestion geta passed on to the Studio.  

    I can't promise you any changes will be made but it's worth sharing 
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2019
    @QueenB I suspected that they will destroy. But you never now for sure.

    And I understand that they probably wan´t changed it. But maybe they can consider it. Specially since the levels get harder and when you have the bulls they are closed to impossible. I´m on one now 2522 that I haven´t figure out yet how to solve. Only way it looks like now you must use a companion, and when you don´t have enough beans I don´t think that possible to solve.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    I  haven't really noticed, but I will take notice of what it does. Or better still, I will video it and let you know.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2019
    @Rancid You don´t have to make a video for my sake. I know what the bull does, where they can be useful.

    Crack ice. Grow flower one stage at the time. Crack the spiderweb. Get the spider when it´s free. Open or collect opened ostron/shell. Hit the rabbit. Hit the waterbucket. Think they even crack snowballs, can´t say for sure because I don´t remember that I had the bulls on a level that had snowballs. Right now I don´t remember if there are more things in the game.

    So pretty much they do the same thing that the crops do, so if you have an item/object that you need to hit and don´t have crops around to hit it with you can use the bull (if you have one) if it is in position to move that way.

    But the bull also destroy. Destroy the crops and they destroy eggs when they run throw them. And it would be god if they didn´t destroy.

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