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Suggestion: Quest/missions

I have in my game (mobile) quest/mission that I can do so I can get extra boosters or beans.

For me I often has quest/missions I can´t do. One example are unlock companion. I have all one can get. That are several quest/mission that I can´t do. And often I have two of three that I can´t do. Sometimes all three.

I know that is a symbol that allow you to replace/change the quest/mission. You can only change one a day. Sure sometimes thats enough, but often when I replace one I get another one I can´t do. So it can take several days for me to change so I can get something that I acctually can do.

My suggestion that the replacement changes so you can change/replace all three every day.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @piaandersson Hope you are having a nice day and having a nice time in the Community :) 

    I completely agree with you about the Quests, that we should have an option of swap more than one quest at once!!  

    But, speaking about the quests that are appearing for you, I have never seen all 3 being "impossible" ones!!  I have seen 2 being like that and I usually swap the first one (top one).  Because, that usually has small goal to accomplish and we can finish it quickly!  And of course, the reward also small too... for example 250 Magic Beans!! 

    Anyway, I will tag our Farm Heroes Community In-charge @QueenB to look into your suggestion and see if they can do anything about the Quests that are appearing in your game!! 

    Keep having fun in your game!  Have a wonderful day/evening! 
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2019
    @PummyRaj I don´t know what level you are on. But I´m on 2525 (or 2526) right now and when you are that high up the levels are hard. Thats why I´m not able to do some of the quest. But some of them are not possible like the one I said. So sometimes all three needs to bee changed.

    I don´t think they will change the quests it self. But if they change so you can replace all three every day that will do.
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited November 2019
    Hello again @piaandersson🙂

    I am a little above you... at 2657 and these are the quests I have right now 

    As you can see the last one “Epic” mission takes a long time to accomplish, but the reward of "Egg Cracker" booster is very useful for these higher levels!  I think last time, it took 4 weeks for me to claim 10 Lives!!!    

    And the 2nd one to destroy 60 Bombs with 2 "Cropsie Cleaner" reward -- do not want to miss that either.  All that is left is the first one... how can we beat a level with 8 levels remaining!!!  In this package, I will swap the first one!! 

    I guess I am more tempted towards the rewards rather than the tasks!!  But yes, if we get the choice of  swapping all 3 tasks for new ones, I will definitely take that!  It is so much better than to wait for that Epic task to be finished  :o

    Anyway, I have tagged the Community In-charge in my above message!  Let's see what their input is with this regards!!

    Nice talking to you!  Have a nice day/evening!   

    P.S:  And can you guess what task came up in place of the "8 moves".....  Win the last level!!!  
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2019
    @PummyRaj So you have the same "problems". I to have at moment finish the last level. In my game it is 2770. That one should be removed or changed so it dosen´t show up before you accutally can get it.

    Don´t remember that I have seen that one whit 8 moves. I get whit 5 moves left and the other one 7 moves. Don´t remember that I have to get 10 lives. Mine have had less. So I guess that menas it can be more quest that I can´t do.

    The one whit the bombs. Since you are so high up you probably already know that you can play the same level to collect those. For some of the blockers they only count when you finish a level but some counts even when it fails. And if you remember one that you have done before you can play that again. If it don´t show up soon.

    Some of the blockers don´t even show up in the levels so they are tricky to know if one should replace or not. Only one can do are to wait a while and see. So the blockers I usually can get. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    I have had the challenge of finishing the last level (it was originally Level 2725) when I was only on level 1600 or so! I thought it was funny, so I have left it.

    I used to have the same problem of being asked to get new companions when I had collected them all. In desperation, I tried something a bit different and I haven't had that quest thrown at me for the last 500+ levels.

    WARNING!!! This may not work for everybody!

    What I did was to save my progress, delete the app and reinstall. I then logged back in and haven't had that quest since.

    WARNING!!! This WILL delete all of your boosters!

    So proceed with caution. What I will also say is that I did the uninstall/reinstall on my tablet but not my phone. I don't get the quest on my tablet, but it is there on my phone.

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited November 2019
    @Rancid Thanks for the suggestion but I have reinstalled game several times trying to fix a problem. And I still get the quest unlock companion. I don´t get it so often now since they usuall at the third one and that one I usuall can´t do and you only can change one a day. And I variated between change the first and the third so it take a wile before it turns up.
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hi! I read here now and was amazed what the player has. Because I do not have it. Is this available from a certain level?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?