I have been playing level 227 for weeks.I have even requested help a few times, but nothing seems to help. I will play it two more times and IF I don't get to the next level I QUIT!!!!! Please help me out.
I did give you tips for you to beat level # 227, when you have posted your question last time! Probably you might have missed it!! I will write them here again for you.....
As I promised you, I went back to the level and played leisurely and here are the 2 important tips that you need....
1) The main issue in this level is the right side part where the Water drops are frozen. I have played lots of times and noticed that, no matter what... a Water Drop doesn't fall to that right side board to "thaw" the rest of the Drops. Suggestion ---> Use your "Shovel" booster to hit on the Water Drops that are sitting at the top. As soon as you hit one water drop (the second one), it will drop down and thaw the bottom drops. Now, hit on the top most one, it will too drop and collect the previous thawed water drops.
2) Collecting Egg ---> Once you clear the Water Drops, it will be easy for you to collect the Egg as all the hatched ones will gather together. Of course, there will be one Water drop that is left in the middle, but you can move it to make the Egg Combo. Or you can use your shovel booster on that too (if you have any left), to raise the Water Drops count. (I have added a screenshot below just for more clarification )
If you need further assistance or clarification, please post back
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