Heroes Reshoe Horse Sheer Shore Hoser Hoers Heres Erose Sores Rose Sore Sere Roes Ores Rhos Here Hose Hero Shoe Herd Hoes Seer Hoe She See Hes Sho Soh Rho Ere Ore Roe Eer Reo Oer Ho Oh Or He
Hi @bearwithme! 🤗 I love word games. You are really good at coming up with them. Sorry I am a little late but I didn't see my tag notification. 🙈 Here are mine but I know there could be more. Thanks so much! ❤️🐳
Thanks for playing @stephqld - could you please edit your answer (click on the little wheel in the upper right corner) and then post your answer using the spoiler? You click on the paragraph symbol and the last selection says spoiler. Click on that and anything you post after that will be hidden from everyone else.
@bearwithme no thank you all for creating these games. I really enjoy playing these games. Plus it gives me something to due while I am waiting on new levels to be built and published in 2 out of the 3 games I play. I am so thankful that I found this community. Even if it was an accident. So please continue creating these games here.