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Events Coming Soon

Diad Posts: 57

Level 3

Since Golden egg event, have had no events, just the coming soon.
Do others have events?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Hi @Diad
    I am also waiting.
  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777
    I'm waiting too 😔
  • Diad
    Diad Posts: 57

    Level 3

    No longer waiting
  • @QueenB @Rancid @Diad

    Hi! I got this. Is this considered an event? I am trying to figure out what is what. I'm sorry I'm new. I don't want to make a mistake again like the Chicken Coup/Golden Egg being a familiar thing to the regular players. Everything is kind of exciting when you haven't seen it before. Although this looks a lot like the Gobbler event once I get in there.

    Which means I probably won't make it to the 6 hour of lives without spending boosters. Thanks to the Golden Egg event, I know not to do that. I am a learning 🐳. 😁

  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited December 2019
    @wafercookieflippers This one you can call a normal event whit 9 levels that has 3 levels that are hard.

    It sometimes are event whit 9 levels, where all levels are hard to do.

    Then sometimes it is special events like the gobbler that have more levels (Maybe it will come one like that to christmas).

    But they are all event.
    And as you have seen they look pretty much the same. Just different name and different things to collect.

    When it comes to levels. Don´t feel sad/sorry if you don´t make it all the way to the top. Even for me that are experinced and have played the levels before some levels are very tricky to do.

    I usually try not to use the boosters. Sometime just the shovels (because they can you buy whit beans), thats because the events, for me, I play the event to collect beans and boosters to use in the regular game. And sometime if I have more then one tractor I can use one if I see that I can finish by using that, but trying whitout it.

  • Thank you very much for your help @piaandersson. I appreciate the advice a lot because there is a big difference about what "event" means in the other game I am used to playing--Candy Crush Friends. Usually there an event is a big deal with a big prize at the end like a unique costume or character. There are often unique levels. Sometimes you win a lot of boosters. They are more rare than here, I think, and only for a limited time. Since the rewards are a one chance offer, some people are willing to use the boosters they have stored (or purchase them) so that they don't miss out. If you don't complete the event, usually you don't win anything. 

    I am writing all of this only because it sounds like everything is totally different here!  ;) That is refreshing! However there is a learning curve. I am fortunate to have this Community and members like you who can guide me along. 

    Many thanks! And here's hoping for a fun Christmas event for everyone!  <3
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited December 2019
    @wafercookieflippers I understand the confusion when you describe how it is in your other game.

    Here on farm heores saga they are pretty much the same. On level 3, 6 and 9 you win beans or/and some kind of booster. And on level 9 it usuall even that you got unlimited life for some hours.

    The golden egg event was different. I have played for many years and what I remember now that was the first time that was that kind of event. At least for me.

    Before it was a event that was called the treasuremill event. That one you have to finish all levels on just one life and then you won goldbars. That one had 6 levels. But to finish all in one life was tricky. But that event haven´t been for a long time.

    I can add one thing about the event here on farm heroes, for me. When one have ended I usuall have to wait a couple of days before it comes a new one. But I have seen that others have to wait longer.

    And level 8 and 9 in this one that are now are very tricky.

    I have edit my other post little about using boosters. So maybe read the last part in that post again.
  • @piaandersson you are so helpful! Once again I appreciate your time and insight here.

    You even answered a question I have been feeling too silly to ask: what is a treasure mill event? It keeps coming up in my quests and now it just sits there telling me "start a treasure mill event." I don't know what it is! But the alternative is "connect to Facebook." I don't have Facebook. So I keep waiting to figure out how to start a treasure mill event. Haha. Thanks for clearing that up too.  =)
  • piaandersson
    piaandersson Posts: 1,032
    edited December 2019
    @wafercookieflippers We have all been beginners so don´t feel silly. Just ask if you wonder about something. There will hopefully be someone that can answer.

    I too have had the treasuremill in the quest and can´t do it because it´s no longer comes around. And I too get connect to facebook and don´t have it.

    But there are more quest so change it (by clicking the little symbol like you have done) then maybe you get one you can do.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Firstly, I think it is funny that you said "I'm sorry I'm new" when you have over 3000 posts. I know you are meaning that you are new to Farm Heroes Saga =)
    I am like you and also don't have Facebook, so I choose to reject that quest and I normally get "Start a Treasure Mill Event" like you have. It's been a while since I did one, so I just assumed one would be along soon.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?