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DavidBoxx Posts: 4 Newbie
Hi. How can I get rid of the tips and 'helpful advice' which has appeared from nowhere every time I open Farm heroes now? It's so annoying.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 35,371 Candy Moderator
    Hello @DavidBoxx Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community :)Β 

    Unfortunately, we do not have another choice as of now, except pressing "OK" to turn-off those "tips"!

    But, what I have noticed is that, these "Hints" come up, whenever there was an update to the game, and/or we change the device.Β  Is it not the same for you?Β 

    Please tap on "Type your Comment" box located below to write back.Β  Β 
  • DavidBoxx
    DavidBoxx Posts: 4 Newbie
    Yes, I think so. I had reset my computer to a previous dateΒ  via system restore. Grrr. Thanks for your reply

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