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Daily quest and stickers

caambuj Posts: 1,733
From last two days my daily quest has been disappeared resulting not collecting any beans.
Further as I am new bee here dont know how to trade stickers. I got it several times but after complition it doesn't show anywhere.


  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777
    Hi @caambuj, sorry we've missed your question. 

    Special events and extra features are available only during specific time frames and only for randomly chosen groups of players and devices from time to time.

    If you do not see this special event in your game at the moment then rest assured it'll be coming your way soon in the future!

    We'd like to reassure you that sometimes you'll have features that other players do not, so we try to make sure you won't miss out on the fun.

    As for the Stickers, not really sure what you mean as there are no stickers, maybe you're referring to the Quests? 

  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733
    Hi @QueenB

    Thanx for the clearification😊.

    The daily quest I was referring to had been appeared below special event and there was three job to do like improve the score in previous level n get 500 beans, pass the 5 levels with three stars n get 750 beens etc. When they asked to connect with facebook n get 1000 beans I connect the game with fb n found the event disappeared after return back to the game/map. I think I enjoyed this from level 20 to 300. 

    I thought it was a permanent feature like in CCFS but now its clear that it was also a special event.

    Regarding stickers it was my fault that I written as 'stickers' whereas it was tickets and after clearing some levels I knew that it can be trade with purchase n get the items with discount.

    Please correct me if I misunderstood the referred event/terms.
  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733
    It was below the Honey Meadow event in the same box and in the seperate box also( appearing in two places).

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,777
    Aha, gotcha now 😊

    So the Stickers are also a temporary feature that comes and goes and there is always a randomly selected group of players that get picked to try the feature.

    If that was the first time you connected the game to Facebook, your game will be moved to a different group which is probably the reason the Quests/Special offer disappeared.

    Don't worry as they will probably be back soon just as long as you make sure you always have the latest game app version installed. 

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